
this message may be offensive
So life am i right. Feeling good doibg good that was a lie feeling bad doing good how does that work idk dont fucking ask it just does k thanks for coming to my ted talk goodnight my name is ted and this was my talk


this message may be offensive
So life am i right. Feeling good doibg good that was a lie feeling bad doing good how does that work idk dont fucking ask it just does k thanks for coming to my ted talk goodnight my name is ted and this was my talk


Omg how did i forget i saw Tøp in concert in Sacramento!!! I cried a lot and gor really sweaty and lost my voice and made a new friend and is still talk to her so yay


Omg hi sorry im like never on here bc school sucks booty so ye hello hi i apologize for my lateness and i prolly wont answer again until ... Idk when haha so funny wow k yea hi


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Hi so like i havent been on this in a fuckin while and i cant update shit bc i forgot how lmao. Anyways some fun updates i gots a new girlfriend yay and me and eggplant are still crack best friends lol. Mental health is doing pretty good. I relapsed twice but im a month clean bc im getting help yay. And uh yeah


what do you have 
          a knife 


@urie-tarded omg im so sorryyyyy i forgot the password to my acc til like last week when i found it written in my book


yes we have 


@urie-tarded we created a religion called vineism based on vines