
Lexi a FKN G MAN 


Hey lovely, I was wondering if maybe you could check out my friend’s story?! It’s a smutty romcom with faking dating and bad girl& good boy trope. Thank you for supporting my friend if you choose to do so! :) https://www.wattpad.com/story/275934121-10-ways-to-get-over-lana-hart


i’ll check it out 


Hello! If you're currently taking reading requests, would you mind checking out my new story The Rise of Venus? The Rise of Venus is a story of the Werewolf genre with many other fantasy creatures being featured! Unlike other stories on this platform, there will be no: possessive Alpha, weak/Rogue Luna, Alpha side piece, toxic representation of relationships, or "Mine" scene lol. 
          I'm writing this story with the intent of breaking that mold and showcasing a more healthier relationship of Mates. If something like that plus a foreboding prophecy interests you, then I look forward to seeing you in the comments! If not, then thank you for even reading this much and feel free to ignore/delete this request. Below is the link to the story if you'd like to check it out ♡ 


omg yes i’ll check it out. sorry for the late reply 


Beautiful Person Award ❤️ You are beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking, stunning, funny, kind, and loving.
          Once you are given this award please copy and paste it onto 8 other conversations of amazing people like yourself! If you break this chain, well, nothing happens actually, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! ❤️❤️✨


BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!!! Once you are given this award, paste it to 8 other conversations of amazing people like you!! If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside out!