
I know what you guys want. And I shall give it to you. Part 4.5. shall be 99.9% RAW SMUT.  Part 4 was the introduction to it. So if you have NOT read part four, you will NOT get what I am writing about. It will be there... reconnection... if you get my drift ;)


I know what you guys want. And I shall give it to you. Part 4.5. shall be 99.9% RAW SMUT.  Part 4 was the introduction to it. So if you have NOT read part four, you will NOT get what I am writing about. It will be there... reconnection... if you get my drift ;)


Hey everyone!! I will be making Part 4 for my "my boss" story! I will try to make a new chapter every two weeks! But in the mean time, please try and love my second story as much as you've loved this one!! I will start announcing when I will be stopping making chapters instead of just making them when I feel like it! I realised this is something we all enjoy, so I'll try and make it as good as possible with some background on what happened inside the story!! Anyway, thank you for supporting my story so far! You won't regret it!