
          	Hi my lovely dongsaeng!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Yes, its almost a month now that I have been on a semi hiatus here on wattpad! And sadly, I am not bringing any good news at the moment (well— not unless it is good news not having me around which I will be sad if so T_T). 
          	I am writing this as a notice and apology that I will be extending this hiatus of mine. 
          	Why so? Because your unnie have landed a job in retail and this time of the year is the busiest of all (with all the gifts buying and holidays). 
          	What does this entails?? 
          	❗️My bookclub will not be active for a while
          	❗️Winners vomments prize will again be extended (I deeply apologize) 
          	❗️I will not be updating any of my books 
          	I wish to return to you guys as soon as the possible and I hope you await my return... 
          	Always remember ILOVEYOUALL!!!!! Take care!! Stay safe!! Stay dry!! 


congrats for your place in retail, see you soon unnie <3



          Hi my lovely dongsaeng!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Yes, its almost a month now that I have been on a semi hiatus here on wattpad! And sadly, I am not bringing any good news at the moment (well— not unless it is good news not having me around which I will be sad if so T_T). 
          I am writing this as a notice and apology that I will be extending this hiatus of mine. 
          Why so? Because your unnie have landed a job in retail and this time of the year is the busiest of all (with all the gifts buying and holidays). 
          What does this entails?? 
          ❗️My bookclub will not be active for a while
          ❗️Winners vomments prize will again be extended (I deeply apologize) 
          ❗️I will not be updating any of my books 
          I wish to return to you guys as soon as the possible and I hope you await my return... 
          Always remember ILOVEYOUALL!!!!! Take care!! Stay safe!! Stay dry!! 


congrats for your place in retail, see you soon unnie <3