
Hello, it’s chrystianna I just started writing again but it’s a different type of genre and content from bts if you like crime and romance fiction please check out my new wattpad story - Operation: Vanos 
          	It feels a little weird being back on wattpad after not writing here for so long but I have been overflowing with so many ideas that I decided to write a new story to a new era 
          	I hope you like it!✨


Hello, it’s chrystianna I just started writing again but it’s a different type of genre and content from bts if you like crime and romance fiction please check out my new wattpad story - Operation: Vanos 
          It feels a little weird being back on wattpad after not writing here for so long but I have been overflowing with so many ideas that I decided to write a new story to a new era 
          I hope you like it!✨


Hello everyone! I dont know if you guys still remember me but its me chrystianna ive come back on wattpad after soo many years but im gonna to make a new start.. yall have probably been waiting on new bts stories but i think im gonna put making bts stories on hold for now… since im coming back here after soo long, i wanna make a new storyline and a new start on my way of making stories (which is going to be different from the bts stories)so if you guys are interested in reading it that would be great and i would love the support✨ 
          if theres any questions for me since ive been gone for soo long i wouldn’t mind answering them in this post✨ 
          I just want yall to know i didnt abandoned my love for writing stories while i was gone.. i love writing i just never had the time during the years ive been gone because i was making a change in myself and in my life.. soo many things has happened in my life and overall ive grown as a person that i want to be, which bettering my life and experiencing new things (well im still growing)