Might be a slight delay on Gone. I have been bombarded with tests and homework plus it's eh holiday season. I'm really sorry for the wait but I will probably write chapter one over the Xmas holidays. ( as well as the stupid geography report I have to do damn)
Might be a slight delay on Gone. I have been bombarded with tests and homework plus it's eh holiday season. I'm really sorry for the wait but I will probably write chapter one over the Xmas holidays. ( as well as the stupid geography report I have to do damn)
But I can't read it now cause I have too many books in my library I probs won't get round to reading this year cause of school and stuff. Plus reading harry potter and the half blood prince @ the moment so I'm not even reading much on watt pad and the minute so I'm sooo sorry :( I do try to read books people want me to but it's so hard reading all the ones in my library plus the recommended ones