
Ok, so idk if anyone is going to read this but I’ve decided to come back and work on Unextinct again. I’m going to however redo the chapters I have already written and then publish new chapter afterwards. Idk how long it will take to redo them but it should be around a month or so.


Ok, so idk if anyone is going to read this but I’ve decided to come back and work on Unextinct again. I’m going to however redo the chapters I have already written and then publish new chapter afterwards. Idk how long it will take to redo them but it should be around a month or so.


Man, it’s been awhile since I spoke here.
          I just have to say the main reason I have not been able to write any on this app has to do with my messed up family.
          My parents, for some reason, got monitoring software for our family, and this monitoring software for some reason blocks wattpad. (It blocks a bunch of websites I used to use too. It doesn’t make any sense why they are blocked, they were very harmless, at least 90% of them)
          It’s on ever single device I regularly use, I am on our old iPad that is currently the only device without this software.
          This software is also really overpowered, there is no way that I know to disable it, except delete it, and that notifies parents when you do delete it. 
          I am currently 16, so when I turn 18 I’m definitely removing that if my parents still have it on our devices.
          Just had to let everyone know what happened.
          If I find a way around this I’ll start writing again, but for no I’m stopped. When I return to writing I will finish Unextinct. I have the whole plot figured out now so I am not getting writers block anymore.


@uselizard I have a website that unblocks everything! Just ask if you need it.


Can't wait


I am working on a new chapter, but I currently am stuck between doing it one way or doing it another way. Also, I cant remember if I said this in the last chapter I uploaded but I will be making a new cover soon. (When I finally get my computer back, which I use to do any editing or drawing on)


So, I was listening to a remix of the song Legends Never Die, and I thought about something, legends, and not even legends, truly never die. Everything you do, no matter how small, how large, how seemingly meaningless, you affected someone. You could live a long life, or you could live a short life. You could be great, or you may be just living like 90% of us do. You still affected the world, and that's your legend, and your legacy. Yeah, I went deep.


So if any of you who are reading Unextinct were wondering, the next chapter has been a bit of a challenge for me to write where it pleases me enough to upload. I did a entire chapter, then scrapped it as I hated how it sounded. So now I have like 300 words in. I might finish it this week, maybe not. I think it will get out by the end of this month though with another chapter close behind, as I know what to do after the chapter I’m currently writing.


Here is an excerpt from latest chapter of Unextinct, just to give you the taste of the book if you have not read it already:
            The aliens were not here to exterminate the human race, only to ransack and weaken the earth. (which we learn why later years later) Anyways, 1/3 of humans survived, though 75% of earths cities were destroyed to disable armies and destroy the entire global economy for at least a decade, plus the earth lost much of its water and trees, and that caused the climate later to be very different from the last climate, basically lots of the earth became dry and desolate, while previously cold areas become rainforests, while some areas remain the same. We have formed new nations to survive, and anyone with a degree of any science is sought after like the Soviet Union sought after Nuclear scientists. Man has not lost all it's progress yet, but mans nature of dividing and competing may slow our recovery of modern knowledge and technology, or even end it. Meanwhile there is another thing man is competing, dinosaurs...