Hello I know that you/u don't know me but my names Ethan Charles/Carlos Merchant and I want you/u to know that I love your stories and I would love it if you would update your stories on here because I think that you/u have some awesome stories and I just love them and I love you/u as well if you/u want to you/u don't have to if you/u want to than go update them and if you/u don't want to go do that than its fine by me but all I'm saying is that I love both you/u and your stories as well and your welcome for not only adding your diaper stories to my channel that I created on here but I know that I might get into a whole lot of trouble by my Mother for doing this and I don't want her to take my phone away from me for doing this but I'm going to read your stories and I will put a star on them that way you don't get upset with me about it because I love your stories and you/u as well!❤Ethan Charles/Carlos Fuentez Merchant!