I'm watching Frozen (because I'm having a Disney marathon) (I'm home alone I can do what I want), and I noticed something- Anna could've left the castle if she wanted to, just people weren't allowed in. SHE wasn't locked in, but they had to close the gates, right? Well, she never left the castle in hopes that Elsa would leave her room and they could talk. But Elsa never left her room, because there must have been some bathroom in her room or something like that. But there was also a big window, and after studying the castle throughout the movie, the window leads right over a ledge that faces the lake. Do you think it's possible she could've left the castle at night when Anna was sleeping? Because how else would she have stayed sane? She had to have left. But to where? And that's where my theory is starting to form. I'm gonna think about this for a long time now lol