I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, will be updated soon. I'm trying to finish the chapter within 1 hour from now, in my time it being 12:27 am, in military time it being 0:27. I have school tomorrow which means I'm getting up at 6:40 AM and I know I'm going to be tired tomorrow but I don't think I have gym so I'll be good. I had a bad day at school today, because of gym. I was about 10 minutes late because of someone lying to me. Tomorrow will be better because 2 of my friends weren't there today, but I know 1 will be back, the other one may be mad at me but idfc right now. She'll be back sooner or later.
I'll try and get the book updated by tomorrow. If it isn't just know it will be by tomorrow night.