IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ!!! IF YOU ARE LGBTQ+ OR A SUPPORTER OF LGBTQ+ RIGHTS THEN PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE!!!! Someone by the name of "Sophie M Herold ", who is extremely homophobic and transphobic, is collecting personal information from many LGBTQ+ people and ruining their lives!!! She's having them kicked out of homes, disowned by families, kidnapped, and even MURDERED, just because of who they are/love. If you are LGBTQ+ take down any information you've given out, including face reveals, age reveals, name reveals, etc. Do NOT give out personal information on social media sites. It's for your own safety, as lives are being lost just because a person is different! If you see this, copy and paste this message and announce it on your profile. Spread the word, because this is really serious and lives are at risk!!!

@user76002567 bro if this was just some girl you didn’t like at school..... gee