أحتاج أن أودع أحدًا لن يعود. أريد أن أخبره بكل شيء وأُحمّله كلامًا أثقلني ليلقيه بعيدًا حيث ذهب، وأعود منه بكل خفّه وارتياح. I need to say goodbye no one will come back. I want to tell him everything and carry him with words that burdened me to throw him away where he went, and to return from him with ease and relief.
Just noticed you're one of the amazing people following me. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you enjoy my works if you decide to check them out ❤️
أحتاج أن أودع أحدًا لن يعود. أريد أن أخبره بكل شيء وأُحمّله كلامًا أثقلني ليلقيه بعيدًا حيث ذهب، وأعود منه بكل خفّه وارتياح. I need to say goodbye no one will come back. I want to tell him everything and carry him with words that burdened me to throw him away where he went, and to return from him with ease and relief.