
Hey guys, glad to be able to tell you about my calendar this year. First of all, I want to tell you that the story I told you about was stopped due to personal issues. Now, I plan to announce that a new story is going to see the light of day. Still in the thriller mood, this story is in preparation and has not started at the time I write this but will be started very soon. 
          	Thank you for your understanding. Have a nice evening. <3 


Hey guys, glad to be able to tell you about my calendar this year. First of all, I want to tell you that the story I told you about was stopped due to personal issues. Now, I plan to announce that a new story is going to see the light of day. Still in the thriller mood, this story is in preparation and has not started at the time I write this but will be started very soon. 
          Thank you for your understanding. Have a nice evening. <3 


HEY ! Salut à tous ! Je suis sur le projet d'une histoire dans l'univers de Conjuring. L'histoire devrait être finalisée et publiée d'ici 2026. Je sais qu'il y a encore du temps avant cela mais les premiers chapitres ne sont que brouillons actuels. Les enquêteurs Ed et Lorraine Warren sont dans l'une des histoire les plus sombre de leur carrière. L'histoire se passe en 1979. Elle s'inspire de faits réels, même si la vraie histoire principale est fictive. Merci de votre patience ! 
          The GRIP est en préparation. Cela signifie "Sous l'emprise".