
I probably shouldn’t be here cause I should study geography cause i suck at geography so bad like I literally have no idea what’s happening and we have a test tomorrow 


An ex-classmate came up to me while I was on the line for the cafeteria and just said “I’m taller than you” I was like what??? And then I remembered when we used to be classmates we always had competitions on who was taller and the last time which was probably 3 years ago or more, I was the one who was taller. Now he’s taller than me


Honestly as much as I hate my classmates, sometimes they can be fun or alright. Sometimes I even feel like we’re one of those classes that actually gets along. But anyway for example one of my classmates let’s call him A. 
          I’ve been sitting next to A since the start of the year and as much as he is annoying he’s also okay sometimes. One of the memories that I really like is when we had a kinda game day at school and we’d have to spend like 3h just playing board games or cards or things like that. That was right after I stopped hanging out with my ex best friend who was toxic. I also had to leave the friend group I was in because of that. And the friend group I had was basically all the girls in my class. So on game day, they were all playing together and I didn’t have anyone to be with. The boys were playing together and A knew my situation with my ex best friends since he kept asking me about it. I was just drawing and was feeling kinda lonely and A noticed that and he invited me to play with them. It’s a small gesture but it was genuine. Honestly I’m kinda grateful for that


Okay so kinda a funny story but we got a new classmate this year and she’s amazing and we get along great. But the first time she saw my brothers is so funny to me idk.
          So my and my brothers are all in an orchestra and we just finished performing. We were all dressed in black bc that was the rules for the concert. So we were walking home. Me (shirt girl) in the middle with two giants on each of my sides. All dressed in black. And on the way home I saw her and she was like “h-hi?” And I waved back at her. The next day in school she made fun of how this was the first time she saw my brothers (not in a bullying way but in a friend way- we all laughed at it)


So recently I had a panic attack in school again and I went to the bathroom and a really nice girl came in and saw me having a panic attack and she helped me. She was so sweet! Then she went back to class or she’d be in trouble and in the next 2 min another girl came and she said she’s the classmate of the previous girl and she was there for me too. Istg some people are so nice 


I just lost the 50/50 to Mona!!!! I just want Xiaooo (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


@galaxyboy-  thank you! I’m on pity 36 rn and I hope I can ge to him. If I don’t get him I’ll save for Kazuha bc I have guaranteed 


you still have 20 days!! i lost the 50/50 to keqing but got him 9 wishes later, and i’ve seen a lot of other people in similar situations. im manifesting him for you !! good luck!!