This account is now officially dead! It's been a good three years of my journey on Wattpad and now I have responsibilities such as schoolwork and time that should be spent on my violin to be reading fanfictions that are written by people that could even be younger than me.
I have more written works that tell more about me than the things I have written here on Wattpad and I'd rather not share them on this account because this account is a good representation of a younger version of me that was less mature to say the least leaving all of the people who knew me on here before to wonder what happened to the person running this acc.
I can't believe I'm leaving this account for good and never returning because of the amount of good memories I've made on here and the few online friends and comment interactions I've had fun with. I hope that all of my 20-ish followers which are probably never online as well as me have or had a good run on this app just like me.
The tale of the two butt heads is an ongoing story which I am unsure if I will post on Wattpad in the future but will definitely be continued.
Thanks for your time guys I had fun.
With love,
-Merimba Rigatoni