
Dear my beloved readers, 
          	Apa kabar?:') 
          	Aku ingat pertama kali buat account ini waktu umur 18 tahun. And now i'm TWENTY TWO!
          	First, let me apologize. 
          	Aku tahu, i am such a bad author. I really am. 
          	Aku masih bekerja keras menuntaskan skripsiku. Setelahnya, aku berniat melanjutkan Different!
          	Is anyone out there still looking for updates from Gana & Rika? 
          	Such a selfish question, i know:')
          	But, messages i got from some of you make me wanna try to work on it. 


Dear my beloved readers, 
          Apa kabar?:') 
          Aku ingat pertama kali buat account ini waktu umur 18 tahun. And now i'm TWENTY TWO!
          First, let me apologize. 
          Aku tahu, i am such a bad author. I really am. 
          Aku masih bekerja keras menuntaskan skripsiku. Setelahnya, aku berniat melanjutkan Different!
          Is anyone out there still looking for updates from Gana & Rika? 
          Such a selfish question, i know:')
          But, messages i got from some of you make me wanna try to work on it.