
I want to write a new fan fiction but i have -3 ideas.


          I'm here to spam you
          why you ask?
          bc I'm bored
          and I'm spamming random people 
          and then I came upon your wonderful page
          hmm I like your username
          eh I'm pretty cold
          I could use a jacket too.
          oh wait I have one
          do you want it?
          Lol I have no clue what else to say
          so I'm gonna say some random stuff
          black sheep!
          Haha omg that as funny
          Hmm maybe not! *^*
          Ah I think I've cause enough mischief
          I should go
          -slowly tiptoes off-


            hahah you know what imma listen to it now ^-^


@-emotions- If you end up listening to the song tell me what you think.


            Aw thank you, same to you! ^-^


All Followers: I changed my profile and my username
          Do NOT worry its still me, I'm just trying to be more incognito!
          Please note that this is my new username so you don't get confused.
          Thank you for being an amazing follower!
          to the moon


please don't delete you account
          i see a lot of people sad everyday
          your stories help them
          it may not seem that way
          they may never comment
          or vote
          but you have anonymous readers 
          who you help everyday
          if you were them
          would you want your idol to delete their story?
          i wouldn't 
          i get that you're sad
          i'm sad too
          but hey would you leave your home because you let a fly in?