It wasn’t necessary to say stuff like that. Thea is an example of a real girl somewhere who grew up like that but that doesn’t make it her fault. Just because she didn’t grow up like the rest of us doesn’t mean she’s not smart. No one grows up exactly like someone else everyone experiences different things in their life. Does that mean that we’re all stupid? I think not. Just human

Of course, there is nothing wrong with stating your opinion and if that’s what you feel then it’s good not to let others change that. It’s just that everyone has their own opinions about what they like and how they feel. I’m sorry if it felt like I was attacking you I was just trying to understand ☺️

Also psychologically trauma freezes you at the age that occurs. So it’s reasonable to assume that mentally Thea’s *a lot* younger (which also explains her limitations , which are normal for her past traumas). This makes her already illegal relationship with Synn borderline pedophilic. But no judgment if that’s what you’re into