qeff = qall - thickness of column (unit weight column) - distance from GS to column (unit weight of soil)
(A) L2 = DL + LL/qeff
qu = 1.2DL + 1.6LL/A
Check for one way shear:
d = t - cc (75 mm unless stated otherwise chariz)
w = L = 1/2 footing + 1/2 column + d + w
Vu = quWL
d from Vu = 1/6 *phi sqrt f'cbwd
*phi = 0.75
qeff = qall - thickness of column (unit weight of concrete) - distance from column to GS (unit weight of soil)
A = 2W(W) = DL + LL/qeff
qu = 1.2DL + 1.6LL/A
Check for one way shear:
d = t - cc (75 mm)
w = footing width = footing width/2 + column/2 + d + w
Vu = qu × footing width × w
d using Vu = 1/6 phi sqrt f'c bwd
Check for two way shear:
Vu = qu (A - (column + d)²)
d from Vu = 1/3 phi sqrt f'cbo*d
bo = 4 (column + d)
Reinforcement (long & short side):
w without d = footing length = footing length/2 + column/2 + w
Mu = quww (w/2)
Omega from Mu = *phif'cbd² omega (1-0.59omega)
rho using omega = phi fy/fc
rho min = 1.4/fy & sqrt f'c /4(fy)
(greatest governs)
As = rhobd
n = As/Ao