
The new chapter of "Loving you for 40 days" is finally out! ♡


@uzumakianci thank you for the chapter!


Hi guys, how are you? I hope you are all doing well cause I'm not feeling the best. I'm going through some things, and that's why I'm not updating anything about the new chapter of "Loving you for 40 days." The whole situation is exhausting me, and I can't even sleep and eat properly because of it. I believe the situation will end soon , so next week, you can expect a new chapter. I apologize once again, and I hope you understand. Please take care of yourself because your body, mind and spirit need it. I love you all. ♡


@dragonoid91 Thank you so much and you can always talk to me if you want. Love you. ♡


@uzumakianci  you are welcome and I will patiently wait but if you want ideas or someone to talk to about your ideas I'm here but only when I'm on holidays


Loving you for 40 days is rated as #1 at #narusaku tag!!!! ♡♡♡♡ thank you all so much for your love and support it means a lot to me!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡


@Devontaytheone Thank you so much for your love and support. I promise a new chapter is on the way (I'm trying to make it as good as possible) and other new exciting NaruSaku projects are on the way as well. <3


@uzumakianci yo this was your hard work thanks for the masterpiece 


Merry Christmas to all Orthodox Christians who celebrate today. I wish you all a peaceful day filled with love and warmth. Have a nice day, everyone! 


@Devontaytheone sorry for being late, but you're welcome ♡


Happy New Year to all of you! <3
          This year has been one of the most impactful years in my life; relationships, connections, education, new experiences. When I started to post my fanfics here, I didn't expect anyone to read it to be honest. But, when I look how many readings my stories get, my heart warms up. I can't explain how grateful I am for each one of you and I hope we will grow our community larger and that I'll be able to write more NaruSaku fanfics and other as well. Thank you so much for all the love and support. See y'all in New 2025! ♡♡♡♡


@uzumaki_lover late but Happy New year's 