Hey YOU! Yeah, you reading this notification. Have you washed your hands recently?
Normally today would be Jojo Friday. But since that technically isn’t a thing anymore, I’m gonna carry it on by posting Jojo memes every Friday. Here’s the first of many: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/e4/ed/fee4ede40f8cd25b8b4394d30960d0f1.jpg
Here is some good news for anyone who needs it: https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/health-science/tau-professor-were-two-thirds-of-the-way-developing-covid-19-vaccine-625129/amp TL;DR: A Scientist from Israeli claims that he is 2/3rds the way to a COVID-19 vaccine. But always remember to fact check. You never know if this could be a fluke.
Every morning when you wake up and right before you go to bed, take a deep breath, hold it for 3 seconds, then let it go over the course of 3 seconds. If you can do this no problem, then you’re ok. But if you do this and it causes you pain or it’s hard to breath, SEEK HELP ASAP. DO NOT immediately get tested for the virus unless YOU KNOW FOR A FACT you have the symptoms!
Starting today, I cannot leave my house in any way because of the virus. No, I am not symptomatic. Local law just put out a statement that forbids any social gatherings of any kind that have 10 people or more. Jesus Chr*st...
So yeah. Why am I back so early? I’ve mentioned before that I was working a show for my college campus. But I just found out today that because of the Corona-19, they cancelled ALL theatrical events, including the show I was on. I am super bummed about it, but there is nothing I can do about it. So now I have a lot more free time to work on my stories.
If you are scared about the Coronavirus, please take the time to read this: At the time of writing this, there are 213 confirmed cases in the US, 92 of them coming from California. 213 out of 331 million cases since the beginning of March. 460 confirmed cases in the U.K. Out of 67 million. 56,000 people around the world die from the Flu. Keep in mind, that’s 56,000 out of almost 8 billion people. So if you’re terrified that the Coronavirus is a sign of the end times or something, DON’T BE.
@v1adimir1estrad I'm so peeved about the excessive caution, there are 93 cases in Canada, not a single one in Atlantic Canada might I add, and the nation cadet leader man forbade any travel outside of you're own region. My entire spring break is ruined because of 93 out of 37.6 Million people (not blaming those specific people, I hope they get better). It's just mass hysteria about an illness that has mainly killed you children, the elderly or those who have weak immune systems, if you're healthy, you'll be fine.
And for those that say “it’s only a matter of time before it spreads further and kills us all,” we still have people who think Vaccines cause Autism despite living in a time where we have technology that lets us SEE Atoms for crying out loud. All this paranoia about the virus is stemming from asshats who are stirring up fear mongering to get attention and/or money. Not pointing fingers at anyone, but be sure to be properly informed instead of just blindly trusting the news.
https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/693/395/974.png I’ve built a roadmap for how my thought process works whenever I’m writing a story. If you were ever curious as to how I do my writing, I encourage you to read on.
Did I really just get Thunder Cross split attacked? On WATTPAD?! Bravo my friend, Bravo.