Hello, it is me, the writer of one of the “Cringe werewolf stories of Wattpad.”
Long ago, I wrote a story about a girl. The story wasn’t very developed at all, I wrote about 1000 words/chapter and published one every day for a little more than a month. Back then, I was a very inexperienced writer. Maybe you can see that in my work?
I believe that I was twelve years old at the time of the publishing of my first “cringe werewolf story”. As a swede, I was very proud of my english. However, I did read through parts of my book earlier this year and realized how bad at both english AND writing I was.
It is completely Insane to me how this book has a little over 100k reads. To me, it’s just a pile of my imagination as a werewolf-obsessed pre-teen. I often get messages saying that my stories are very good, and my inner 12 year old thanks you very much. However my writing has greatly improved since, and nowadays I only check this account maybe once a month.
To those who are yet to read any of my published work:
Flee, my children, for you are about to be trapped in a world filled of plot-holes and an irritating storyline.