Hi everyone, a little while ago I said I'd be posting much more often... clearly, I lied to you. I'm really sorry. I really want to make you all happy, but the thing is, I barely have any time to write anymore, and the passion is almost missing. I mean I love writing, and when I start writing I can't stop, but I have so little motivation now to sit down and just write. Between homework, friends, dance, and other hobbies, it's rare that I even find any free time to actually write something. Many times I want to write before bed and I'm just too exhausted to do it. Anyway, this is an apology. I feel horrid for not updating when I said I would, but rest assured! I've got about half a chapter written. I'm really busy today, but if I get through all of my homework quite early tomorrow I'll do my best to post something! Again, I'm so sorry, and thank you guys for sticking by me, even though I've been horrible lately. I love you.