
I really HATE Xfinity. so lately our phone or should i say phones *we have 3 Landline phones. yes, i know very "out of date" and "old fashioned"* haven't been working right. We can receive phone calls but when we try to call out it doesn't want to work and starts to make that beeping noise. I just tried it and now it's working again. i can only assume it's a Comcast/Xfinity problem because we already tried checking the cords and stuff and everything seems fine. i don't know what goes on with this stuff.


Update: phone is fixed. it was Xfinity being a bitch again.


I really HATE Xfinity. so lately our phone or should i say phones *we have 3 Landline phones. yes, i know very "out of date" and "old fashioned"* haven't been working right. We can receive phone calls but when we try to call out it doesn't want to work and starts to make that beeping noise. I just tried it and now it's working again. i can only assume it's a Comcast/Xfinity problem because we already tried checking the cords and stuff and everything seems fine. i don't know what goes on with this stuff.


Update: phone is fixed. it was Xfinity being a bitch again.


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Me and my mother got into another argument. So, she jokingly calls me a name i don't like and i make a joking quip back and then i apologize for it and she gets all defensive and says she was just making a joke and then goes on to say "I won't talk to you anymore. everything i say is wrong, so i just won't talk to you".               What the actual fuck? i try to apologize and as usual she acts like a sulky brat. *sigh*.


            I’m sorry to hear that.  But if you need to vent,  I’m here 


@Davidsmate24 Thank you *hugs*. She's still acting kinda sulky and moody.


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I really, really, really HATE Attic's and Attic Ladder's. Ours is being a bitch and ... yeah i fucking hate the outdated thing. i want to get rid of it and replace it with something better but no such luck. *sigh*.


Ya'know .... i had a thought. with the tragic passing of Liam Payne, i'm worried about the other 1d boy's. The music industry is shady af and i worry about the company they may have around them and if they might be going through an personal issues as well. it's concerning and i just hope that they all take care of themselves.


I just got back from a trip with my family *same old trip. you know the one* and i got some bad news while i was away. Liam James Payne 1/5th of One Direction has died at 31 after falling from a Balcony.  I will be making a special dedication book for him, so stay tuned for that. *sigh* Poor Liam. he will be sorely missed.


@ val1dqueenie  ❤