
My updates for the contest are slow going but I have everything--I just have to format. Ugh. Huge thanks to everyone I collaborated with! I'll credit it you when I'm not juggling twelve different things! Sorry for any inconveniences!


I missssssss youuuuuuu


@KaityElisa Thanks! I'll send one over now. Feel free to not look over it right now. I need my beauty sleep for tomorrow and I don't expect you to clean up my life while I'm out of it. But I would absolutely love the feedback. I need a kick in the butt to start writing and I know you'll happily give it haha I'll get everything else together tomorrow when I get the chance so it hopefully makes some sense.
            That sounds so cool. And that's awesome to have other people's help and feedback! I can't wait to read more about it. :D


send it to me, let me look it over I'll see if I can help you at all. if you feel you're over thinking it, simply write. I get that you dont want to do that but I don't think there is a way around it if I'm honest. but I will hallpily try to help you if I can, even if it's just me tell you that your nuts and it sounds awesome.
            as for Consumption, it's gonna be great. it's about people who take these drugs and end up with temporary powers. I have a chapter and a half written for it. it's gonna be great I had a bunch of people help me plan it and create the characters so it's been really fun so far. 


I definitely will go back to read :D @KaityElisa & I think it's just my mindset. I'm super excited for my ideas and I have them mapped out pretty well in my head. I even tried putting them down on paper with a bunch of different formats but I worry it made me think of everything to formally. All my scenes that seem so great in my head are falling flat. I can't get past it long enough to finish the rest of the scenes/chapters/whatever so I can go back and edit. It's becoming more of a chore, no matter how much I switch back and forth between stories. Which, I should add, started as only one I might have mentioned to you. Then I had these same problems and decided to do the writing prompt as you suggested. Suddenly, that prompt blossomed into a full fledged book that I couldn't do justice. Next thing I know, I'm letting myself think about a trilogy smh.... Now I keep bouncing between books every time I'm stuck, which helps every time I come back to it. But it's very taxing to keep coming back and refamiliarizing myself and getting irritated it isn't working out the way I envision it.
            I'm hoping to get some writing in this break. Dreaming big, I wanted to finish at least one book so I can edit for the remainder of my semester but I don't think I'm even capable of settling for sucking so I can revise. I just want it to at least be as good as it can be the first  time around but I keep stressing haha
            Anyhow... lol. "Consumption." I like it! It's a very intriguing name. I can't wait to hear more about it  


My updates for the contest are slow going but I have everything--I just have to format. Ugh. Huge thanks to everyone I collaborated with! I'll credit it you when I'm not juggling twelve different things! Sorry for any inconveniences!


Hello everyone! I'm editing my TFAHG story right now which is why you guys are receiving so many updates. The recent chapter I posted was 11 pages and I thought it would be best to split it up for this challenge. I will have one more part to publish (iii. The Replays, or something along the lines of that) so I just want to thank you for your patience with all the emails. :D