I definitely will go back to read :D @KaityElisa & I think it's just my mindset. I'm super excited for my ideas and I have them mapped out pretty well in my head. I even tried putting them down on paper with a bunch of different formats but I worry it made me think of everything to formally. All my scenes that seem so great in my head are falling flat. I can't get past it long enough to finish the rest of the scenes/chapters/whatever so I can go back and edit. It's becoming more of a chore, no matter how much I switch back and forth between stories. Which, I should add, started as only one I might have mentioned to you. Then I had these same problems and decided to do the writing prompt as you suggested. Suddenly, that prompt blossomed into a full fledged book that I couldn't do justice. Next thing I know, I'm letting myself think about a trilogy smh.... Now I keep bouncing between books every time I'm stuck, which helps every time I come back to it. But it's very taxing to keep coming back and refamiliarizing myself and getting irritated it isn't working out the way I envision it.
I'm hoping to get some writing in this break. Dreaming big, I wanted to finish at least one book so I can edit for the remainder of my semester but I don't think I'm even capable of settling for sucking so I can revise. I just want it to at least be as good as it can be the first time around but I keep stressing haha
Anyhow... lol. "Consumption." I like it! It's a very intriguing name. I can't wait to hear more about it