
Hi everyone! I've posted a new short story called Silver and it would be great if you could take a moment to read it and tell me what you think :D


You're back! yay! :D


missed you too! :( and gonna miss you more when you take a break again. *sighs* how's school? any news about raccoon wandering and scaring students in your school? haha. don't make us miss you so much,


@blurringAlley124 Yay! But only sort of :/ *pets dog* How are you? I know I keep disappearing but I can't do school and everything else at the same time so I'm just taking breaks from wattpad whenever it gets too much :( But know I'm not leaving permanently. I'll just be on and off for a while longer. I miss you though <3 <3 I really do!


@valia_lala I understand about school it's crazy. .. hope u passed geometry  .. >_< 
          I'm not sure I saw the message. . Anuw no problem. ... hope you're great. ..and school z awesome. ..
          Reign. .. I like Francis. .. but Bash seems mysteriously awesome. .. kinda like smolderhalder...I don't like his religion though. .. :p 
          Have a frigging awesome weekend. .. :) 


Haha I like your pp... :) 
          It's Reign baby!!!!:) who of the two do u like? :p 
          Is it me or you've been so very quiet. .. :/  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :? :( :(: ?:( :( :(
          Or you only talk to me when @blurringAlley124 is online :'( tsk. ..
          Anyway hope uv been great. .Have an awesome night. ....  say hi to Matleen... 


@shirsha  You're right, I haven't been online as much as I used to lately. School is taking up a big part of my time and preventing me from doing like, fun things, you know? I haven't spoken with Alley in a couple of days, though I think I left her and you a message on your board. Did wattpad not actually send it? :((
            And yayyyyy! You like Reign, too! It's such an amazing tv show. I like bash the most, but francis is also good. which one is your favourite?