

When I've seen "I'll write my books in French and English" I was shocked because I've planned to do the same thing. But, perhaps with an other account.


@ PlumedOr330  You Can Say that ! 


@PlumedOr330 what a coincidence!!!


Hey ✨ Stranger ✨❤️
          Quick question -What does freedom mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. I post every Wednesdays so you'll always have something to look forward to. It explores the topic of true love and freedom.
          I hope you'll join me for the journey.
          Have a lovely day ️❤️


Hey what happened to your book about the mafia boss and the black woman whom had a rich father in prison. there was a second boo to it aswell which you were in the process of writing


@DollGypsy I found God some time last year. I going to a school I hate and was failing all my courses. I was alone and barely had any friends with me. My friends and I schooled in different cities so I got pretty lonely. A friend of mine who was going through mild depression and even thought about taking his life met God and I noticed a lot of change in him. He was happy all the time and even though he had struggles, none of them could have the best of him. 
            I on the other hand was still the same, sad with no plan for the future. The only thing I looked forward to was having my number of reads increase on here and have strangers tell me how much they loved my work. But the joy didn't last long. 
            I remember being in my dorm room once, feeling sad still but mostly empty. All I wanted was to be happy, and then I remembered my friend who was all that. 
            I asked God if He could make me happy like He did for my friend and I talked to my friend a little and we said a short prayer (the salvation prayer) and then God was with me. I didn't notice any change or any bone shattering feeling but after a couple of days I noticed I wasn't sad anymore, I was always happy and joyful. The loneliness wasn't present anymore since I constantly had God with me. 
            I'm enjoying His presence. He's my best friend and He listens to all my rambling. He knows all about me and loves me still. I get really good grades at school now and there's constant growth in God .


@vallaryz That is nice, how did you find God 


@DollGypsy  hey! I had to take them both down because they didn't honour God and He showed me that they sent out the wrong message to the people going through abuse. But you can check out my new project. God bless you! 