
if your wondering if im going to finish paul's imprint my answer is a no because my computer has been broken since may and i just got a new one and i lost everything that  i was going to write im really really sorry if your mad i understand but i cant continue the story because im confused and dont know what to write anymore and if any one wants to adopt the story and rewrite it or continue it is fine with me and once again im really sorry hope u can forgive me :|


omg miracle was AWSOME  i knowyou wrote it like a long time ago but will you please think about making a sequal ??? you wrote that very well and i loved how bella and edward had twins i just loved it :) !!!!!!! the only thing that i didnt like was at the end how you skip like ten years but i know you only did that cause that was the end :( plz plz plz think about doing squal to it for me !!!!!<3


if your wondering if im going to finish paul's imprint my answer is a no because my computer has been broken since may and i just got a new one and i lost everything that  i was going to write im really really sorry if your mad i understand but i cant continue the story because im confused and dont know what to write anymore and if any one wants to adopt the story and rewrite it or continue it is fine with me and once again im really sorry hope u can forgive me :|