
Who wants to rp with me?? I rp about tmnt,BTS,Avatar the last airbender, 1D just message me cause I'm kinda bored 


Hey! Sorry for interrupting you from whatever is that you're doing but I've been sent a message from @peaceFrederic or something and he gives me that a link about a wheel I could spin and win some rewards. I am afraid to open that cos I don't know if it has any various. You are the only one following him/her and I thought you might knew something. Sorry again but I'm not sure what to do and I need a piece of advice. If you know anything please answer me. Thank you. 


Everyone is getting them 


 Hey I just found out something there fake! The things are fake I found out on the help center 


Yeah that's what I'm thinking that it does nothing since I can't get into it. Ya you never know what can give viruses some little things can give it