
Hey, guys!!!!! I’m sorry, I haven’t updated my study in a year or how long it ‘: been on Wattpad for. I just haven’5 really motivated & lazy. Plus, u was busy for a long time. But, now I’m all free now bc of quarantine. I’m finally going to be updating again, finally. There will be a update & new chapters, whenever I have a chance ay it.


Hello Tatyana!
          Thank you for following me and for voting on 'Regent's Blood'. I'm rewriting the book right now, but you can still read the first draft. If you want to read a vampire book, try out  'Among Vampires'. The German OV just made the Wattys 2021 shortlist ;).
          Kind regards and stay safe and healthy,


Awe, ur welcome!!! I will stay safe & healthy very  well. Been along time since I read ur books.


Hello Tatyana! 
          Sorry, I don't want to intrude, but I noticed you being a follower and reader of fantasy and romance authors. Maybe you’d like to give the supernatural fantasy-romance ‘Regent’s Blood’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance as well. I’m a fan of her book and I think she deserves more readers and followers. 
          Best Regards (not really) silentreaderforyou



My book is called I Am The Fox Girl’s Lover


Thank u!!! I will go head & read it. Check out my book. 


Hey, guys!!!!! I’m sorry, I haven’t updated my study in a year or how long it ‘: been on Wattpad for. I just haven’5 really motivated & lazy. Plus, u was busy for a long time. But, now I’m all free now bc of quarantine. I’m finally going to be updating again, finally. There will be a update & new chapters, whenever I have a chance ay it.


Hello beautiful Tatyana thanks for including I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your reading list .
          OK I guess that sounds a little weird, getting a message over such an easy thing to do. but for newbie authors like us continue to get a real buzz each and every time someone discovers our work Hope you enjoy the book. As new writers its wonderful to know awesome readers like you are out there.
          your well earned warm embrace is coming straight to you. RK+Reb


this message may be offensive
Hey, guys!!!!! It has been 4 or 5 years since I haven’t been posting a lot of chapters of The Princess. I’ve been finishing my 6 year of bigh school & then I moved to FL for 1 year so far. Living in FL sucked shit. Then, I moved back to my home state of NJ. Sorry, I haven’t been working on The Princess. I lost motivation in writing & I was slaking on it & lazy.