
Hi guys so when i wrote this story i was freaking 13 years old and could barely hold a pen, but now i am re-writing the story. they will be major changes but I hope you still like it, will be posting the new update parts today.


Hi guys so when i wrote this story i was freaking 13 years old and could barely hold a pen, but now i am re-writing the story. they will be major changes but I hope you still like it, will be posting the new update parts today.


Hi guys so this past few years been really busy just graduated university with my decree and i will be taking a year out and writing as well as finishing all my stories so please check out my new story: my crown my throne, thank you.


@CameoLeaness loving it so far, hope you keep uploading. If you have time please check out my new story, my crown, my throne. thank you.


Hello everyone, its been a long time since I last posted anything. I promise to finish blind girl falls in love with a vampire but I will have to re- edit the whole story, basically start from the very beginning. I might even change the character's name, but before all that I have posted a new story that I really hope to finish and that you will all like, its called my crown, my throne. I hope you will all read and enjoy it. Thank you for your time.


hey everyone i will not be contiuning my other stories because i have lost my in spiration and feelings for them, i will contiune writing but i haven't got a clue if i will past them on wattpad on the other hand my new stories will not all be about vampires if i do post it am sure you will all love it or hate it.
          i hope you can forgive me for negelecting you guys for months but if i do get my inspiration back i will contiuning my other stories
           see you soon bye.