
Hyungwon + green theme UwU thanks to @qvhan_ for the cover


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Its been 24 hours and... X bnyk yg reply.. So im sorry to LKS appliers. I had to sbb x rmi yg response. Tapi trime kasih bnyk² sbb apply kt af tu and active sepanjang af tu brjln. Aku minx maaf lgi skali. Kalo ade yg x puas hati tlg pm aku, jgn attack org laen. Sekian terima kasih, from your shit author


@bbybunnyY_ maaf sbb memusnahkan hrpn anda ;-;


@vamps51 alaah takpe la.. :)


Hai guys author x gune korg kt sni. To my appliers im so sorry sbb aku menghilang bak angin tnpe explanation. Aku brcdng nk update ff/af aku, so untk af tu aku nk buat active check, kalo rmi active lgi aku teruskan. Kalo x aku delete je, ye la sbb appliers pon da mls nk tggu kite kan?? X baik buat org tertunggu. Aku takkan tag sesape eh, sbb aku anggap korg masih save buku tu kt library korg. So yep, sekian dripde author korg yg masih x berguna


To my appliers, aku akan hiatus for a while sbb preparation untuk exam. For 2 months?? Bulan 9 da preparation exam and bulan 10 aku exam 3 minggu TvT so mmg super sorry kalo aku da lme gile gile x update sbb aku busy gile babun. Aku akan try cri mse untuk habiskan jugak chapter yg bru aku tulis ni and pub. Kalo korg nk hiatus juga silekan, tpi bagitahu ya. Aku da bgithu  korg pon kene bgithu jgk. Sekian


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Another story but its the same as the old one... But then the reason is "no ideas" its the same fucking story. You could've use the new one instead of make a new one but NOOOOOO DECIDED TO MAKE ANOTHER STORY WITH THE SAME REASON. Kids right~~~


LKS, this is not an update but a bargain... Kau nk aku buat lgi dramatik or angst?? Sbb kite da tengah cerita XD da smpi klimaks so I thought aku x bley letak due element ni dlm 1 plot TvT Thanks sbb beri kerjasama ^^


Dramatik it is~~


@ vamps51 angst mcm best