
I know all of my readers were expecting me to update my book for a very long time. It’s been a project that I’ve started as I was encouraged to become a great writer, but somewhere along the way my ambition began to fade away. I love all of my readers and followers, I am sorry to announce that I will not be updating my novel. I have worried you all before in a chapter stating that I may not update but I ended up continuing the book. So, to officially announce the ending of the book I will simply state, I will not be able to complete the book. The plot was also very confusing which is not something I intended. I have been working on other projects for you all but unfortunately there is just no more time for me to do this. To further explain, I will also be deleting my account. You all deserve an author that updates weekly and does the best for all of you. I hope you can understand my position, I wish you all happiness and love. Become the person you want to be and not what others expect you to be. Have a lovely day, Author Tae Out ✌️


I know all of my readers were expecting me to update my book for a very long time. It’s been a project that I’ve started as I was encouraged to become a great writer, but somewhere along the way my ambition began to fade away. I love all of my readers and followers, I am sorry to announce that I will not be updating my novel. I have worried you all before in a chapter stating that I may not update but I ended up continuing the book. So, to officially announce the ending of the book I will simply state, I will not be able to complete the book. The plot was also very confusing which is not something I intended. I have been working on other projects for you all but unfortunately there is just no more time for me to do this. To further explain, I will also be deleting my account. You all deserve an author that updates weekly and does the best for all of you. I hope you can understand my position, I wish you all happiness and love. Become the person you want to be and not what others expect you to be. Have a lovely day, Author Tae Out ✌️


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @WATTPILI you were my best friend for a long time and I still can’t believe that we have been friends with each other for so long (friggin 7 years!!) you are truly an amazing person and no matter how dumb you think you are, you’re the smartest person I know. Whether it be in the writing field or geometry :) you are so smart and I hope you keep telling yourself that to raise your self esteem. I love you ❤️ I hope you remember that kait! (You are my world)


@samen893 is a baby


@Btsbmthfangirl nO nO nO nO nO nO




My brother calls me babygirl and he's turning 10 years old. \(^~^)/


@samen893   best of luck with that kkkkkkk... 


My sister graduated. She's officially a doctor now- a dentist. From crying to our grandmother's arms when our parents had to leave. And now (hopefully) coming to America to pursue her dreams and reunite with our parents. It was always one of her dreams to finally meet us and our whole family. Although she wasn't able to see us grow up, she could hear about what we did. I know for a fact that she won't ever know I wrote this to her, but I have to say that I love you with all my heart. You are by far one of the strongest people in the world. I can't believe that 4-year old (or 5-year old) you was able to realize that you must not hold grudges, and keep moving forwards. I love you and I'm proud of you. I'm glad that at least one of my older sisters were able to see you. I will always see you as a role model and don't ever think that just because you aren't here that I am not able to realize that great things you've done. I love you ❤️❤️


Am I what you need??
          Am I what you want??
          Why can't you answer me, I've waited for you to tell me if I'm a want or need. 
          Can I be both?
          Because you are what I want and need.
          But why can't you say the same?


hi i love you❤


@samen893 ❤❤❤❤❤❤


@Song_MinJee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


@samen893 i love you too❤❤❤❤


Hello....anyone? Whoever is reading this just know that you are worth it. You're beautiful inside and out. If you think you're not enough, useless? Just know that you believe you're not enough, that you're useless but if you don't think that way anymore and think about all the ways you've been your best and people don't seem to appreciate then those people just aren't enough and don't realize you're importance to them. oof, sorry just had to get that out. I purple you!! 


@samen893 *Just know that if you believe you're not enough, that you're useless you will soon think it's the truth but it's really not...


I'm sorry for my readers who are waiting for me to update. Just know that I will try my VERY BEST to update this month if I don't it MIGHT be the end of my book and I'll do spoilers. Be careful for any updates that will possibly come out. i wuv u all v-vewy much!! *holy water for everyone!* - Author Tae Out ✌️