vanilla_sunflowers22's been EXTREMELY too long since I've been on Wattpad, and I've come to a conclusion; I'VE MISSED THIS PLACE WAY TOO MUCH. I've literally only been on here for 5 minutes and I.......I just really missed Wattpad. And you guys. Being M.I.A. for over a year and a half was never my intention, especially leaving Luke and Santiago's story like that when I had so much planned. I'm not making any guarantees, but I have grown up a bit, and I think I'm in a place where I can really take this story to where I've always wanted it to go. Part of the reason why I stopped writing was because I never really liked how my chapters came out in the end. But I'm a senior in high school now, definitely more mature, and I'm ready to see Luke and Santiago's story continue; How about you guys? Hopefully you'll be seeing something soon! If not, just know that I love you guys. A LOT. -Khyra <3

vanilla_sunflowers22's been EXTREMELY too long since I've been on Wattpad, and I've come to a conclusion; I'VE MISSED THIS PLACE WAY TOO MUCH. I've literally only been on here for 5 minutes and I.......I just really missed Wattpad. And you guys. Being M.I.A. for over a year and a half was never my intention, especially leaving Luke and Santiago's story like that when I had so much planned. I'm not making any guarantees, but I have grown up a bit, and I think I'm in a place where I can really take this story to where I've always wanted it to go. Part of the reason why I stopped writing was because I never really liked how my chapters came out in the end. But I'm a senior in high school now, definitely more mature, and I'm ready to see Luke and Santiago's story continue; How about you guys? Hopefully you'll be seeing something soon! If not, just know that I love you guys. A LOT. -Khyra <3


hey guys.. i know that i've been m.i.a. for the past few months but these have been really tough.  i have a million and one exams to do in school, my sister just recently had a medical scare, and it's been really hard to find the time or motivation to write. i can't say that i'll upload soon, but i will say that i'll try. on a good note, i want to thank @Daisy51297 for making me an amazing cover for Serenaded Sunflowers! it's nice to know that after all these months that you guys are still sticking with me. but now, my rant is over. keep looking out for an update of SS, cause neither you or i will know when i might have a burst of energy to write. love you all, -Khyra <3333


okay, some news to deliver.  chapter 12 is in the works, it's just that this one is super long, so it's gonna take me longer than usual.  also, i have midterms coming up, and a science fair project i should have started like last year, and it's due in 5 days. so i'm supeeer busy for the next two weeks or soo. i'll really try to squeeze some writing in, because i miss luke and santiago just as much as you guys do.  but that is it for now, i guess. love you all - Khyra<3