Reading indebt with the mafia
You asked for feedback and how you could improve the story.
The 'love at first sight' is too much. He could be a bit infatuated and search for her, learn more about her, and watch her before approaching N. He wants her and is used to getting what he wants.
There could be a business/financial angle for him (such as the one you pointed out), but he would NOT expect that right away, nor would be tell her straight out that he wants his oppositions business information from her.
Even if that was an objective, he would be more likely to see her as potentially spying on him initially because her loyalties will still be with her Mafia 'Father'.
Her loyalties will be to the other group unless he can seduce her and gain her loyalty for himself. That might have been what he intended, or the excuse he gave himself because he couldn't see himself truly falling for the adopted daughter of a rival or enemy.
He got her on the rebound. He would not expect her to love him right away. He only heard her side of the phone conversation, so his reaction feels very wrong. I would rework it so that she asks questions or discusses details about what her mafia family needs from her.
He might hope she was starting to like him, and would be upset at the idea that she was using him...but he was initially planning to seduce and use her, right? If he has had time to start getting to know and care for her before that phone call it would hurt him more.
I would shift the timing of the phone call to at least a month after the wedding. Her Father would start by asking if they are sleeping together yet. She would object that it is too personal a question....
I hope you find my feedback useful. You are right, it does need editing. I could probably go back through and find other things to tweak, but these are the main issues I see with the story so far.