OH MY GOD i know i sound insane rn and i should probably calm down so forgive me but after i finished btbp, i was resigned to the idea that this fic would never be continued again since it's been 5 years since the last update. so imagine THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT when i saw u in my notifs. WHAT. YOU'RE BACK !!! AND YOU'RE REWRITING BTPB INTO A NEW BOOK ?!! the old version will always have my heart. it was a product of its time and it truly did bring back some rlly nostalgic feelings to me back to how the twilight fandom was and the wattpad fanfiction community in general when we were teens. the 2019 version of btpb will always remind me of sweet, innocent love mostly bc of the pure imagination that was put into the writing that makes me feel as if i'm entering this eerie little world through bailey's curious eyes. finding out that you wrote it when you were 17 is just WOW. you are immensely talented !!! but still, i'm very excited for this new version you're about to rewrite !!! looking forward to see how you would rewrite the story now with the perspective of an adult and if there will be any changes to the plot, the characters, and paul and bailey's dynamic as well <33

You’re so sweet!! I remember when I first started writing BTPB pretty much all I was reading at the time were Twilight fanfics here on Wattpad/AO3/Tumblr, then over time life just kinda got in the way and I lost motivation. But I’m so excited to rewrite! Truly I don’t know how real author’s publish lol. I would probably look back on every book I wrote and want to re-write them every few years to be honest with you. There’s just endless editing, I feel!! But I’m hoping I can do Bailey and Paul some justice and make them feel a little more grown up now that I’ve grown too, so fingers crossed! The support I’ve received on the rewrite so far has been amazing so I seriously can’t thank you enough for being a part of that. I so appreciate you for this message and hope you love the rewrite too. I’m trying to hold myself accountable to an editing/publishing schedule so hopefully the rewrite won’t take too long and I can get back into publishing chapters to continue into the events of Breaking Dawn and eventually the end <3