
Hey there! I couldn't help but noticed you've been on here for a year but have yet to write a story? Are you more of a reader or writer? Sorry if I sound nosy, I am just curious as I stumbled upon your profile. Anyways Hi! :)


@Infinity_Dark Thanks so much for the resource!! I'll definitely be checking that out. I'm currently in the middle of chapter two, so I should be publishing any day now!! I'll be sure to message you when I do(: Thanks for reaching out to me, you seem absolutely great as well!(: Same goes for you in regards to messaging, I'm always here if you need to get anything off your chest, or even if you just wanna say hi. You have a nice day too!


@vannab00 It seems hard at first but once you get intranced in your story you will never want to stop writing, if you need any help/if you have writers block their is a club called Improve your Writing which helps with Writers block and whatnot. I am also here to help too! I cant wait till you post your story, and I cant wait to read it! :) And I totally agree with the amazing stories part, the stories on here literally need to be published as in published on paper back because they are so amazing! Some of these Authors I feel are the Next JKRowling as they write that good. I am here if you ever need to talk and feel free to message me any time. You seem amazingly cool as you answered with Hiya and that's usually the way I answer too hehe. :) Have a nice day! :)


@Infinity_Dark Hiya!! Believe it or not, I'm actually in the process of writing a story right now. It's honestly harder than I thought it would be, which is why it's taking so much time. Also trying to get at least 3 chapters done before I publish so that I'm a little bit ahead. I do love to read the stories on here though, they're honestly amazing.