heyy to anyone that is reading this my name is shivannah Singh and this message I'm sending out because I have a few things to say recently I met a young boy around my age 15/16 and he said some hurtful things to !me because I didn't fit his dicription of beautiful this rarely happens to me but when this had happened I was so stunned by the way some one can hurt some one else's feelings and act okay thereafter I was hurt and actually beloved for a while that I was not beautiful and perfect but then I was browsing on wattpad and read a book called blurred lines and it really touched me I really recommend that book if u actually took time to read this and I would like to say that people say sticks and stones may break my bones but your words don't even scar me is all lies sometimes words hurt more because scars heal and pain goes away you forget how you got your scars but when someone says something hurtful it bruises your heart it kills your spirit please as a victim of billing I urge those who do say hurtful things intentionally or unintentionally to think before you speak think about how you would feel if someone told you that♥