
It’s been 2 years since my last update… should I start writing again? 


@varilyn Yess can I please finish "The man next door"?


Hey there
          Can u tell me when u are planning to update your Story Abortion  or is it on hold
          It amazing awesome interest great wonderful unique creative plot u have going on ther. 
          It been years since your last update in September of 2015 and it's now August 2017 a year and eleven months since u last updated and I would love to find out what will happen next..... 
          Hope u are okay.......
          If u need anyone to talk or to list to u I'm here for u...... 
          I would lie to be friend with someone as talent a writer as u are..... 
          I would love to read more and find out what will happen next,,,,,


got your attention didn't it didnt mean to come off rudee rude btw but sometimes you hurt me because i've read your books and they're good so in a way it is a compliment (;


@varilyn people speak through the books and when you speak through the books your so engrossed in it that you start wanting more intil their is no more so u unintentintially hurt me with ur superberb skills


@deathly_forgetful How did I ever hurt you? We have never talked before.