
In the process of finals as of right now, but hopefully starting summer I will finish Underneath The Skin ❤


Hey Everyone! I am so excited to let you all know that I am now working on Chapter 14 of Underneath the Skin and I am excited to post it hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow. Keep your eye balls open haha!


HEY everyone! I know its been two years since I have been on wattpad. I Guess I should explain myself for missing out on writing so many chapters, that  I have in mind for Underneath the Skin. I was ending my senior year and things got stressful with graduation and such. Also ended up moving and have been slammed in college courses and assignments. I appreciate everyones patience and I will be updating for the novel very soon. So keep your eye out. I promise I will do better at posting as well and my plan is to finish the novel completely by the end of the summer. Thank you all for your patience! I am super excited to be back.


Chapter twelve is finally up. Sorry for the wait, I have been really busy with my senior year this past semester. Hope you all understand! Leave comments and feed back don't forget to vote! Much love to all my readers xxxx


Please pl-please update. For I will die if u don't! I'm I chatting to know what happens next


That's great to hear!! I'm actually working on my own novel. I only have one chapter up. But I think that it captures the audience 


@Mill975729  Hey Mill! Updates are coming up really soon.  I know its been years I got caught up in college, but definitely keep up with Underneath the Skin I plan on finishing the book hopefully this year. Thanks for all your patience!


Hey Pressplay123! If you have some time, would you please check out my new haiku series story (explained in the book bio), "heartstrings"? A few comments or votes would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance and please enjoy the rest of your day! :)