
@cvltpvris ahah yeah


Okay I'm trying to be a little bit more haelthy, but god damn, it is like the house is full of unhelalthy shiz I really feel like eating. Nothin' wrong with eating oreo's on a wednesday! Okay perhaps a little bit...


Holy crap While She Sleeps's new album is so amazing and beautiful and just so f***ing good, like, nothing can top this right now tbh.
          Ps: you really should go listen to it, I am serious. It's called Brainwashed.
          I JUST LOVE THE GUITAR AND THE DRUMS, THE BASSLINE IS GREAT AND THE FEELS AND LYRICS AND THE SINGER IS AMAZING WHAT IS AIR (yes I will go back to the what is air thing because this is worth it)


This message is to every female out there, not just the ones reading this but every single one. Happy international woman's day! Celabrate your rights and enjoy that you can be married, have children AND have a career. Be a feminist and aknowledge that there is nothing weak about wanting equal rights. Fight for the rights to an education for girls. That you can decide yourself, without the need to have a male's consent, whether you want to have an abortion or not. You can rule over your own body. You are a person and not an object. You are a woman, and you will always be worth fighting for.


@DaddyAshtonsDimples have fun today hun ❤️


@veesayshi well said <3, happy woman's day ;)


I am in the middle of nowhere, and my only view is mountains upon mountains, so when I say that I updated Old habits die hard, please don't expect too much of my grammar. Anyway, read it, it would make me really happy if you gave it a vote or comment 


I kinda feel like a dick because I'm writing all these fics and never share them and the one I did share I unpublished. So here you go, a brand new fic fresh out of the achive. It's called Old Habits Die Hard. You should check it out, it's pretty cool :)