There's absolutely nothing worth knowing about me, expect maybe that my english isn't that good. I'm from Sweden. But I like to write on english, even tho I'm not that good.
It flows in a hole other way.
But oh yeah one thing more; that I absolutely hate when people track on me about that, correct me. Because if u correct me u understand right? ps: if they didn't have like u know an "automatic spell corrector" i would be... spelling many word very wrong...
And I really find that ... annoying. I mean I don't need to have good grammar for anyone to talk to me... all those are so bläh...

I don't know if u like what I write. Well i haven't put somethings out, have only stared a bit and i don't know witch direction it's going but yeah... I'm writing a little about what i feel for the moment. All my feels and questions just scrimped in a little thing that is called computer. And u might find it sometimes "connected" to it. U know, feeling the same, understanding... Yeah I know I'm making no sense right now.

Hahaha I was just going to write "There's absolutely (spelled aubselutely or something) nothing worth knowing about me".


Btw, my very deep, deep, deep profile picture actually represent me as I feel inside, even trough I kind of seems all right on the outside. Lost.
There fore I have the sunrise true mist moment picture as background. When the sun goes down u crawls in despair, trying to find the way to the light. light-sun, sun-morning, morning-sunrise.

Me being very deep...
I should really make a song out of that! :D

what I'm trying to say is that I really like to write and, and i just needed to do that. But I didn't wanted to be alone doing it, so here I am, writing this like 7:32 in the morning. ... 7:32 ... what? yeah I go to beed know.

Okey, oxox *gossipgirl*.... hahah x me
  • JoinedJuly 18, 2013

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