
I don't know but i started crying after reading your book, please tell me you are ok


I’m ok :) so much has happened and I’m still struggling but I’m still here. Thank you so much for the kind words. I actually have some updates and seeing your comment reminded me of my book. You know what, I’m gonna go post a chapter, thank you. Also if you ever need to talk about anything, I’m happy to listen


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


Thank you for adding my story to your all time faves! It is so confidence boosting to see my story in a reading list that has books containing millions of views. You made my day! x


And just when I had begun to doubt my work... I swear my heart just skipped a few beats reading this. That was so incredibly kind of you to say.  I am honestly feeling so humbled and thankful right now. I write the books and give it a soul but it is people like you, 'fans' if I may, that make the books come to life. Without you, there is no point in writing. I will continue to work as hard as ever, and I will do so smiling because of your kind words. A million times, thank you. x


I'm a very blunt person, as the people I know can attest to this. So whether I avidly enjoy something or dislike it, I will be completely honest in my opinions. Your book not only is unique in its premise and ideas, but is written in a professional way that can evoke emotions from a person. You can feel what the characters feel, see what the characters see, and go along with the story as if you're there. This type of writing can make or break a book. And you do it wonderfully. Of course, with everything, there is always room for improvement, but I feel like you are in a great place and with enough work, you can make it as a writer. So yes, I did put you with books that have millions of views, but it's because I feel like your book is at a similar standard as them. I believe the book would have millions of views, and it's only an undiscovered treasure. As always, opinions differ, people differ, but I hope my words instill something good in you. I have a horrible memory, so when books leave a lasting impression, they become special to me. Please work hard and keep your head high.
            From a loving fan.