
ok. so. im planning on making Half-Assed Heroes into a webtoon (but i gotta get a new drawing tablet first oof), so im gonna leave the story here until that happens. once i start the webtoon, i'll let you guys know ! uwu


ok. so. im planning on making Half-Assed Heroes into a webtoon (but i gotta get a new drawing tablet first oof), so im gonna leave the story here until that happens. once i start the webtoon, i'll let you guys know ! uwu


There will only be about 5 more chapters of Interstellar until it officially ends! I already have a new story in store for you all. And I, being the indecisive author that I am, wants to wait until Interstellar is done but is way too excited. So should I start the new story now, or should I wait?


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thank you guys for over 400 reads on Interstellar ! i honestly didn't think i'd get this far with story, but my friends started writing their stories so i was like fuck it lets finished what we started. yeah but uhh thank you love you guys (*´▽`*)