
Completely devastated by the news. And at a total loss for words. I still can't believe he won't be around anymore. Rest peacefully, Liam.


@velvetballaspark Your grief is completely valid. No matter what you say. They were /your/ safe space growing up and even now we hang onto these characters here in books to live vicariously through them because we find so much comfort in them. I feel for you, so bad. I didn't think I'd see this day so soon. Thought I'd be old and wrinkled. But that's part of the reason we feel so lost. He was taken away too soon, too abruptly. Just.. take your time, okay? Take your time accepting. I also entered a dark zone after seeing the news but sharing it and being able to talk about him to my roommate, my brother helped a lot. The whole group together meant the whole world to me as a 14 year old kid. People who didn't love them like you did will never understand why it's impacting you like this. But hey, I do. And you're not alone, okay? I'm 100% here with you to listen and talk. You're valid. Don't feel guilty please.


@soupysunset like it makes me scared. i want to put the rest of them in a bubble and protect them. i can't do this four more times.


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@soupysunset hi you. thank you. and likewise. i'm here for you. when i first heard the news i was in shock, and then about 4 hours later i broke down crying. then i cried in therapy yesterday evening (10/17 - sorry, i don't know your time zone so just clarifying the date), and then i saw the boys' posts and that fucking broke me. i lost it again. one direction including zayn's name in their post broke me. julez posting about it makes it even more real. i just feel sick. 
          	  i've actually had multiple people in my life reach out and tell me they thought of me when they heard the news, and hoped i was okay. i'm overwhelmed. i told my therapist i felt like i didn't have a right to be this upset over it. that because i didn't actually know him i didn't think i deserved to be upset over it. but i am. i am fucking heartbroken and i don't know how to process this. i've lost people--but never suddenly. never like, unexpectedly. they've always been sick or old. i feel robbed. stolen from. and that makes me feel guilty. i don't want to make it about me. i'm just really, really struggling, girl.


Babes, I got scammed for the eras tickets TWICE. I am so hurt. 


@velvetballaspark hey, I missed you! And no, absolutely zero. They robbed my ass haha


@soupysunset WHAT. That is terrible. What is wrong with people???? (sorry for late response). I would CRY. did you end up getting any in the end or no?:(


Feel any better yet?


@soupysunset I'm glad to hear from you, sweets. Take it easy, I know it's very difficult. I'm doing the same. My life is very stressful, so I try not to let my sadness overtake the goals. It's hard and the opposite of motivating, but I'm getting by. 


@soupysunset doing a lot better. sometimes it still doesn't feel real even though I can still feel the very visceral sadness and acceptance inside of me, and not a day goes by that i don't think about it, but it's better. still having random bouts of tears but they're slowing. thanks for checking in on me!! sorry i didn't respond. life has been so hectic. how are you doing????


Completely devastated by the news. And at a total loss for words. I still can't believe he won't be around anymore. Rest peacefully, Liam.


@velvetballaspark Your grief is completely valid. No matter what you say. They were /your/ safe space growing up and even now we hang onto these characters here in books to live vicariously through them because we find so much comfort in them. I feel for you, so bad. I didn't think I'd see this day so soon. Thought I'd be old and wrinkled. But that's part of the reason we feel so lost. He was taken away too soon, too abruptly. Just.. take your time, okay? Take your time accepting. I also entered a dark zone after seeing the news but sharing it and being able to talk about him to my roommate, my brother helped a lot. The whole group together meant the whole world to me as a 14 year old kid. People who didn't love them like you did will never understand why it's impacting you like this. But hey, I do. And you're not alone, okay? I'm 100% here with you to listen and talk. You're valid. Don't feel guilty please.


@soupysunset like it makes me scared. i want to put the rest of them in a bubble and protect them. i can't do this four more times.


this message may be offensive
@soupysunset hi you. thank you. and likewise. i'm here for you. when i first heard the news i was in shock, and then about 4 hours later i broke down crying. then i cried in therapy yesterday evening (10/17 - sorry, i don't know your time zone so just clarifying the date), and then i saw the boys' posts and that fucking broke me. i lost it again. one direction including zayn's name in their post broke me. julez posting about it makes it even more real. i just feel sick. 
            i've actually had multiple people in my life reach out and tell me they thought of me when they heard the news, and hoped i was okay. i'm overwhelmed. i told my therapist i felt like i didn't have a right to be this upset over it. that because i didn't actually know him i didn't think i deserved to be upset over it. but i am. i am fucking heartbroken and i don't know how to process this. i've lost people--but never suddenly. never like, unexpectedly. they've always been sick or old. i feel robbed. stolen from. and that makes me feel guilty. i don't want to make it about me. i'm just really, really struggling, girl.



@soupysunset stawwwp awee!!!!!!  I'm so glad you did too. I still get kind of nervy leaving comments so I'm glad I did. The feeling is mutual. It's so fun talking books with you. Yes please! And she/her is good for me too:)


@velvetballaspark and you babes? I'm so glad I replied to your comment. You're such a good partner to discuss books. We need to connect better.


@velvetballaspark Pleaseee, you can call me whatever. I'm good with anything. But she/her is fine too.


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So.. I finished duplicity. I didn't read chapter 100 yet because what the fuck. Wow. That was a lot. I loved every bit of it and how hard Harry held on. I was so sure that man would be dead but he managed. God. It was a lot. Did I already say that? I want to be able to read again but I know it's always so hard for me to reread a book. I also really miss devil's due. I kinda started introspective strangers and it has really good moments but it's not as appealing as DD... yet. Also, I remembered another book that you need to read. It's called what goes around by the same author as wish you were here. That book was so pretty. It had some themes that were hard to digest but overall, great girlfriend boyfriend material stuff. 


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@soupysunset I miss it too. It becomes a whole little world you live in. Like you immerse yourself in it and then when it's over it feels like there's something missing. 
            And so true. I think I love, love, love aerialrry because he's so damn playful. I love all those moments in aerial where they do the Rock Paper Scissors, and race to the dressing room, elbowing each other for room. And yes, the scene with the fountain. So intense. The writing is just... unreal. And there's something so wholesome and charming but in an old-fashioned way about the guys throwing him in the fountain as a celebration. And fuck, I forgot what he calls it. But it's when Cherry takes showers that he goes and hangs out with Nettie (which, the whole thing about him using wrong names on purpose is such a giggle) is SOOOO CUTE. Ugh so many things. That book had me constantly smiling. But I think devilsrry is just... he's so... ugh. Idk what it is. He's very sensual. I dunno. He scratches all the right itches in my brain for some reason. And the way he's obsessed with making her laugh just kills me. AND THE ITALIAN. Sorry I'm rambling. I think I need to rr Devils Due.
            On Top, yeah! It's boxerrry. author is sogoldenarry It's pretty heavy in smut and super kinky, but there's a whole lotta cuteness too. I'm just now getting to those bits.
            And yes! I think that's technically where we met. I really loved a lot of their moments too. And I really empathized with May. And... Well, I feel like I shouldn't say much because I don't want to spoil it. So let me know when you're done or if you decide not to continue. :)
            Oh wow! I don't know any other languages. Took 4 years of Spanish and barely know anything. I'm sorry things are stressful right now for you:( why do you feel guilty for reading?! I'm glad you have an escape though! I'm uh, yeah I'm going through a tough spot in my life so this is my escapism as well. I relate more than you know.


@velvetballaspark I'm okay.. but I miss it. I want to read it again. Miss everything about it, ugh. And yes, those two are head on competing on being the best boyfriends. But because aerial is set in like the 60s and devilrry is modern, I learn towards him. But aerialrry was my life for 4 years. He's amazing, he's a god, he's so perceptive and works so hard. Did you read the scene when his friends tossed him into the water and he threw his wallet at her? She saw her photo. That was so intense. 
            And I haven't read the series from ruby slippers. Just the two books. I forgot the name of the other but you can see it in my list for the books that I really love or something. (God I really need to fix them)
            No. On top? I haven't seen that one. What's that about? Talk to me. 
            OH YEAH? You've read introspective strangers? I really love some of their moments and I really connect with the mc with her avoidant attachment style and everything. I'm trying to continue it.
            I'm just really stressed with my life these days. Been learning french and all, and reading makes me feel guilty but it's my only escape.


Hey angel! :)
          Remember me?
          I am writing my first ever story. So if you could give time to read? It would be so much to me. 
          You can find it in my profile. It's called Apricity.
          Just started writing it so thought to inform ya :)
          Thanks and regards,
          Another angel <3


@its_ashhhhh thank you so much :)
            Your support would mean a lot to me <3
            Directioners are the kindest>>>>


@its_ashhhhh hiiiii angel<333 of course I remember you!! I've added to my TBR and I'll be sure to read it!! :)