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@soupysunset I miss it too. It becomes a whole little world you live in. Like you immerse yourself in it and then when it's over it feels like there's something missing.
And so true. I think I love, love, love aerialrry because he's so damn playful. I love all those moments in aerial where they do the Rock Paper Scissors, and race to the dressing room, elbowing each other for room. And yes, the scene with the fountain. So intense. The writing is just... unreal. And there's something so wholesome and charming but in an old-fashioned way about the guys throwing him in the fountain as a celebration. And fuck, I forgot what he calls it. But it's when Cherry takes showers that he goes and hangs out with Nettie (which, the whole thing about him using wrong names on purpose is such a giggle) is SOOOO CUTE. Ugh so many things. That book had me constantly smiling. But I think devilsrry is just... he's so... ugh. Idk what it is. He's very sensual. I dunno. He scratches all the right itches in my brain for some reason. And the way he's obsessed with making her laugh just kills me. AND THE ITALIAN. Sorry I'm rambling. I think I need to rr Devils Due.
On Top, yeah! It's boxerrry. author is sogoldenarry It's pretty heavy in smut and super kinky, but there's a whole lotta cuteness too. I'm just now getting to those bits.
And yes! I think that's technically where we met. I really loved a lot of their moments too. And I really empathized with May. And... Well, I feel like I shouldn't say much because I don't want to spoil it. So let me know when you're done or if you decide not to continue. :)
Oh wow! I don't know any other languages. Took 4 years of Spanish and barely know anything. I'm sorry things are stressful right now for you:( why do you feel guilty for reading?! I'm glad you have an escape though! I'm uh, yeah I'm going through a tough spot in my life so this is my escapism as well. I relate more than you know.