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Changing my name!!! Velvetrosepetals is kinda too long, so here is my idea: The first anime I ever wanted was Sailor Moon, it was on tv every day and I was OBSESSED but I had to hide it as my older sister gave me shit for it. Now, I'm a total anime fangurl and still hide it (lmao) but I was thinking back to my favorite charecters- Jupiter, as I looked like her kinda, and Mars, as she was HOT AF. So I mushed the two in the middle of the night and got: Jupimars. I loved it!!! But it's taken :(, so I went for JupiMuni, so it's kinda like Jupiter mars and moon??? Idk, it makes sense to me, so anyways, expect that spontaneous change soon! also, let me know any ideas for other usernames :))) xo