          	Guys! Character and Aesthetics of whispered destiny -- book two of the whispered series is out ! Don't forget to read it and shower your love 
  I'm not back to writing i had it in my drafts so I thought to just post it to see if you all are loving it and waiting for it or not. 
          	Don't forget to tell me your views on it. 

          Guys! Character and Aesthetics of whispered destiny -- book two of the whispered series is out ! Don't forget to read it and shower your love 
 I'm not back to writing i had it in my drafts so I thought to just post it to see if you all are loving it and waiting for it or not. 
          Don't forget to tell me your views on it. 


this message may be offensive
I don’t even know where to start. NEET is approaching, and I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of unfinished chapters, missed schedules, and overwhelming guilt. I wake up every morning knowing I should be studying, but all I want to do is curl up in bed and shut the world out. Every unread page, every unsolved question feels like a weight pressing down on my chest, suffocating me.
          I tell myself I’ll start fresh, I’ll push through—but the moment I sit down, the exhaustion, the frustration, the sheer mental burnout kicks in. It’s like my brain has shut down, refusing to absorb even the simplest concepts. And then, the regret comes crashing in. The what ifs, the should haves, the why didn’t I start earlier? It’s eating me alive. The guilt of wasting time is heavier than ever, yet I still can’t find the energy to move forward.
          Everywhere I look, I see students grinding, solving questions, revising again and again while I sit here, stuck in this miserable cycle of procrastination and self-loathing. I know the only way out is to just do it, to open the damn book, to push past this slump—but it feels impossible. The demotivation is crippling, and the pressure is unbearable.
          I don’t even know if I’m writing this for advice, reassurance, or just to vent. I just know that right now, I feel completely, utterly fucked up.


@Joy747idfk I'm glad it went well dear!  And yeah maybe it's all in my mind. Thankyou so much , this really gave me so much relief. 
            Sending love ❤️✨


@velvetwhispers28 I'm back from my exam and well, it wasn't as bad as I thought and panicked so much for. Yes i could've done better but what's done is done. I can only hope to do better in the future. Ik I'm not exactly qualified to give advice either but it's really true when they say ur mind is ur worst enemy. Our mind exaggerates these problems so much that it takes over our lives. The past 2 years I've been killing my soul and spirit and all for what? These exams are easier than my school exams man . I feel like I'm burnt out from being burnt out for so long. It's honestly almost funny, looking back at all those times where I felt like the world was attacking me. Just taking it a step at a time rn and i hope I can take a step back after these exams to truly self reflect(I really need that tbh).
             Wishing you the best of luck in ur journey didi<3


@herworks thankyou so much ❤️I've been trying to find peace just the mistake I did was I kept my phone with me there as well...I'll go without phone from tomorrow 
            And sending love ❤️
            Thankyou so much 


Hey, amigo. I hope you are doing great. Sorry for being an intruder. Could you spare some time to check out my story 'Risky Ishq'.... It's already completed. I would appreciate your love and support. Feel free to comment and read my ongoing work 'Truly, Deeply, Madly'. Thank you so much. Have a nice day. Stay blessed. 


@Bhavana_Prakash heyy! Would you like to exchange genuine reads for and comments also let me know if you are interested in follow for follow 


Hey everyone!
          I just wanted to let you all know that I’ll be taking a break, and all my stories will be on hold until mid-May as I prepare for my NEET exam on 4th May. As much as I love writing, I need to take this step because my career requires my full attention. I’m deeply attached to my stories, but this exam is just as important. I hope you’ll understand and continue showing your love for them.
          Right now, Avyaan and Akshita are happy, so I felt it was a good point to pause. The upcoming parts will be a rollercoaster of thriller, action, intense revelations, and romance, so the wait will be worth it!
          Thank you for your unwavering support—it truly means the world to me. I hope you all will understand and keep loving the stories. See you soon!
          With love 


@BrokenByChoice thankyou babe 
            And all the best to you tooo! 


@velvetwhispers28 all the best babe❤️ let's go!


Social media has become terrifying in ways we never expected. You meet someone, you connect, you open up—sharing your thoughts, your struggles, your life. But the other person? They just watch, listen, maybe even enjoy the attention, but never truly let you in. It’s scary to realize that while you’ve bared your soul, they remain a stranger, detached and unaffected.
          The worst part? You never really know their intentions. Are they genuinely interested, or are you just another passing moment in their endless scroll? Or maybe some scandal. It’s so easy to mistake online interactions for real connections, but in reality, most of it is just an illusion—one-sided, temporary, and often painful.
          Be careful with online connections—most of them are not as deep as they seem. It’s easy to get attached, to share your thoughts, emotions, and even your struggles with someone who seems to care. But remember, the person on the other side is still a stranger, no matter how familiar they feel.
          Not everyone has good intentions. Some people just enjoy the attention without truly valuing you. Protect your mind, heart, and personal life. Don’t expose yourself emotionally to someone who hasn’t proven their sincerity in the real world. Online relations are fleeting—don’t let them take a permanent toll on you.


@velvetwhispers28 good it's better to know before any damages 


@writerscut damn broo!! How did you just copy pasted what happened to me. I mean I experienced a similar incident and it was hell of traumatic. And no he did not have a convincing story I was the fool to turn blind to the truths that kept coming my way. I mean can you believe even when I got to know that the pictures he sent were from internet, I still chose to believe him. Then I got my closure in some harsh ways by experiencing multiple anxiety attacks but good thing is he stopped affecting me in all ways. Though it gave me major anxiety issues and trust issues but I learned my lesson SOCIAL MEDIA IS DANGEROUS, I don't think I'm going to form a personal connection with any unknown person now. 
            Anyways I hope you are doing okay! I can totally relate with your incident and I can understand what you must have gone through 
            Take care of yourself:) 


@TanshinaAfrin I know ! It's harsh but eye opening. Instagram gave me major trust issues but biggest life lessons. 
            I hope you are okay now , take care :)


Guys, what the hell? I’ve been deep in back-to-back study sessions, nhi only to come back and see people playing the follow-unfollow game? Seriously? If you don’t want to follow, then just don’t—but if you do, at least have the decency to be genuine about it. This kind of thing is so demotivating. It’s not about numbers, but about basic respect. Stop treating this like a game.


@velvetwhispers28 sorry to heart that❤️


this message may be offensive
@velvetwhispers28 girl! No matter what you become, there are people who will point a finger because they haven't got a shit to do with their lives. If you're fat, they'll ask you to lose weight. Once you do that, they'll point out that you're skinny and unhealthy. Trust me, the world has always got some remarks to throw our way. Amidst all of that, all that matters is how we look at ourselves. If you're fine with what you are, then it's fine. If you think your body needs development t and work, do it. Do it for yourself, follow a diet, workout [I know it's hard as a neet aspirant but go for a morning walk for like just 20 minutes, that's all], avoid maida or junk foods and drink lots of water. And do all of this only and only for yourself, not for any bloody out there! And during this process, be your own biggest supporter and  cheerleader. You may not like your body but don't hate your soul and that fragile heart! Because Your heart and mind has already absorbed so many of those things, all it would want is you to not hate yourself. 
          And there is always someone who will see your beauty beneath these physical barriers. Someone who will love your heart and soul, not giving a fuck to what the world says!!


@BrokenByChoice ofcourse! I was just too hurt yesterday but I'm chill again 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
            Love ya! Thanks bub 


@velvetwhispers28 that's what hurts the most yaar!! Just focus on neet for now with a little care of your health too. After the exam, you can give all of your attention to your health! Or else, they'll get more opportunities to say things