I. Apologize. For. Never. Uploading.
Seriously, I've been neglecting this app and I'm starting to realize that I'm not paying much attention to the things I like anymore.
I don't know if it's because I'm growing of this stage I'm at or, there's some other reason but, I'm trying my hardest right now to motivate myself.
Now, it's not that I don't enjoy writing anymore, I just have zero motivation. (I'm a lazy bum.)
Honestly, I have so many book ideas that could make it somewhere but, I just can't seem to find an idea that can more or less fit my ideal image.
I think my mindset has made me fall into a hole that I'm not too sure I can climb out of but, I'll try.
Come to think of it, Vico holds a lot of my childhood. Rather the character, you'll see more of that later in the story.
At this point in time, I think I'll be taking a good 2 weeks to plan and then I'll begin to write again.