
Hullo! I was just wondering if you could please write more! I think that you are a terrific writer and I love your stories. I would love to know what happens next in any of them!


@Kissmyoops3 thanks for answering my question! i am thinking about starting a book though. i'm thinking that it's going to be about a girl that keeps getting kidnapped, first by the military and then by pirates, then i think i'm goingto have her have a disease and she goes blind. do you think anyone would be interested in reading that? thanks for your time! keep writing amazing books!!!!!!


If someone fans you, but you don't have books, they either want to get to know you (and to chat you have to be a fan) or they want a fan in return, or they're just being polite. 
          Really, it's no big deal & you're not pressured to do anything (:
          You have a lot of fans for not having any books up!(:
          I'm sure it's because they all want to talk to you!