
I watched the movie "Unplanned" yesterday.  It was an amazing movie.  So stupid that it is rated R.  I have seen more blood in the TV show Doc Martin, which is amazing & hilarious you should watch it as well.  Anyway, the movie hits you right in the feels and is the perfect movie for all pro-life and pro-choice people.


@SouthernGal7 One of the only movies I have watched that is worth the $8.  I would like to own it and make all my family members who are pro-choice watch it.


Unfollowed you because I simply can not follow someone who calls me “revolting” and “unnatural”. Jesus healed a gay man’s lover because he wasn’t a bigoted idiot like you. anyone who knows anything knows that the bible has been translated and mistranslated thousands of times and knows the line is “Man shall not lay with boy as he lay with women” and was about pedophillia. the bible also states the old laws died with jesus. ontop of that, homosexuality is observed in over 3,000 species and is very much natural. yet only one animal species has bigotry and hatred and that is mankind. you being “raises homophobic” isn’t an excuse. i was raised christian as I am the daughter of a minister and both my grandfathers are/were pastors, so I know the bible sorta well. The bible specifically says in Matthew that you are not to judge because that it God’s job, unless you’d like to be judged as well. It’s a shame that you’re hateful and bigoted, your writing is pretty good.


@Zgyrl03 I'm glad you like my writing. I'm working on not being hateful, it's not a healthy way to live. Everyone has preferences on how they view the world & I don't hate gay people. I just find romantic relationships between them unsettling, as a person I am allowed to feel that way. No one is forcing you to read or not read any book, but that comment you made on my story was you judging me. After you just said only God will judge us.


I watched the movie "Unplanned" yesterday.  It was an amazing movie.  So stupid that it is rated R.  I have seen more blood in the TV show Doc Martin, which is amazing & hilarious you should watch it as well.  Anyway, the movie hits you right in the feels and is the perfect movie for all pro-life and pro-choice people.


@SouthernGal7 One of the only movies I have watched that is worth the $8.  I would like to own it and make all my family members who are pro-choice watch it.


I havnt been writing as much other than for my Creative Writing class this semester. Instead I have taking up baking. I sell my product at my local Farmers' Market. You can see what I have been making on my Facebook business page, Kathryn's Exclusive Sweets!


@ventdog That sounds amazing! I hope the best for it! :D


Come to my page & read one of my stories. If you find any grammer mistakes, I would love for you to point them out. I also tend to switch from present to past tense. If you notice that as well please let me know. No cursing, I just felt like I needed to point that out. Since it seems like people do that a lot these days.


Hey, I'd like to point out that your message about the LGBT community it very offending. Sure, you'll meet a lot of strange people that'll overwhelm you with their behavior, but please don't take it out on everyone else. There are a collected group of people who have no idea who they are as a person, and the LGBT community is helping them discover themselves. I'm not trying to get you to like us, only to understand that we're not all like that


@ventdog alright, we'll leave it up. Just for each other and viewers


@the_Night_Howler I'm going to leave it up. I like looking back and seeing how I answered certain things. Here people can hear the sides to both arguments.


@ventdog it's rlly ur decision, since this is ur message board


Homophobic does not mean to be scared of homosexuals. “Homophobic- having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.” You used disgusting and dislike when describing them. Just wondering in what way that is not at all homophobic. Also wondering how in in a religion where you are suppose to spread love and kindness, people always seem to make way for intolerance. Not an attack just pure curiosity. 


@ventdog and gay people don’t want straight things forced down their throats. you’re just homophobic and it’s not okay at ALL. flaws make us imperfect, not hatred and bigotry. grow up and realize that.


@_Rasasvada00_ queen! But honestly dont waste your time. Some people just dont like being told differently because they are so stuck in their own ways smh


@_Rasasvada00_ I don't hate the. I just don't want to be forced to except something that goes against my religious beliefs. I do hate having the subject forced down my throat by tv show, movies, books & people. 


Hello, I am not looking for a fight but I have a favor to ask.
          Prove that homosexuality is wrong without out using religion or god to prove your point.


@zoyaak888 Everyone is raised differently. Some people get uncomfortable or feel sick when there is a lot of gore or blood in a movie. I get uncomfortable & it's "revolting" to me to see someone of the same gender kissing or holding hands. This is how I was raised & this is how I will stay. Maybe revolting is too strong of a word, but my opinion on this is strong. 


hey I would just like to say I mean ik it's not my place but I saw this and u want to say I'm muslim so we dnt believe in it either but I'm not a homophobe and I dnt think it's alright to call it revolting . I myself have friends who r lgbtq and I dnt feel disgusted I feel like if thats who u love then that's who u love and u can't change ur feelings and I mean I know we all have our own opinions but I think instead of calling iy revolting u should just respect there opinions as u have ur hate tho I just wanted to say


@ventdog sorry you feel that way. Good conversation anyway. 


I'm feeling down right now. Someone who doesn't know me or the problems I'm facing in life right now, called me a crazy  (bad word that starts with B) for having an opinion. Does anyone have some advice for me on how to address this situation?


@ventdog Pray for them. As hard as it is, its the only way to get true peace. While they don't know what you're going through, you don't know what there going through.
            I hope you get through this!
            God bless,


@ShyRKR forgot to tag you ^


I wish people would ignore me online sometimes. Same conversation different person told me I could have an opinion as long as it doesn't offend anyone. How stupid is that?