Unfollowed you because I simply can not follow someone who calls me “revolting” and “unnatural”. Jesus healed a gay man’s lover because he wasn’t a bigoted idiot like you. anyone who knows anything knows that the bible has been translated and mistranslated thousands of times and knows the line is “Man shall not lay with boy as he lay with women” and was about pedophillia. the bible also states the old laws died with jesus. ontop of that, homosexuality is observed in over 3,000 species and is very much natural. yet only one animal species has bigotry and hatred and that is mankind. you being “raises homophobic” isn’t an excuse. i was raised christian as I am the daughter of a minister and both my grandfathers are/were pastors, so I know the bible sorta well. The bible specifically says in Matthew that you are not to judge because that it God’s job, unless you’d like to be judged as well. It’s a shame that you’re hateful and bigoted, your writing is pretty good.
@Zgyrl03 I'm glad you like my writing. I'm working on not being hateful, it's not a healthy way to live. Everyone has preferences on how they view the world & I don't hate gay people. I just find romantic relationships between them unsettling, as a person I am allowed to feel that way. No one is forcing you to read or not read any book, but that comment you made on my story was you judging me. After you just said only God will judge us.